Hi all, I am a student at Cal Poly Pomona and am trying to install the Eduroam wizard to connect to the network. I have properly installed the python dbus dependancy, but when I execute the SecureW2_JoinNow.run file, I am thrown this error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/tmp/securew2-joinnow-4419.tmp/detect.py", line 115, in <module>
arch = detect_executable('uname').run_and_get_output('-m').split('\n')[0]
File "/tmp/securew2-joinnow-4419.tmp/detect.py", line 68, in detect_executable
raise ExecutableNotFoundError(name)
detect.ExecutableNotFoundError: uname
During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/tmp/securew2-joinnow-4419.tmp/main.py", line 41, in <module>
from client import PaladinLinuxClient
File "/tmp/securew2-joinnow-4419.tmp/client.py", line 11, in <module>
from actions import ActionFactory, NoneAction, ActionError, InternalActionError
File "/tmp/securew2-joinnow-4419.tmp/actions.py", line 11, in <module>
from dbusproxies import NetworkManagerProxy
File "/tmp/securew2-joinnow-4419.tmp/dbusproxies.py", line 8, in <module>
from detect import wpa_supplicant_version
File "/tmp/securew2-joinnow-4419.tmp/detect.py", line 116, in <module>
except (ExecutableNotFoundError|ExternalExecutionError|OSError):
TypeError: catching classes that do not inherit from BaseException is not allowed
Any ideas for how to fix this? Thanks all!
Here is the source code from the beginning of the install file. Everything after this python is not plain text
die () {
[ ! -z "$1" ] && echo "Fatal: $1"
[ ! -z "$tmpdir" -a -d "$tmpdir" ] && ${RM} -Rf "$tmpdir"
exit 1
missing () {
echo 'Executable `'$1'` seems to be missing, not executable or cannot be located with `which`.'
echo ''
echo 'Please install this program using your distribution-specific package manager (e.g. `apt-get` or `yum`).'
echo 'If this does not solve the issue, you can try editing this script by hand to provide the proper'
echo 'executable locations, or request your network administrator to contact SecureW2 Support.'
dontrunasroot () {
echo 'This utility is not designed to run as root.'
echo 'Please start it as a regular user.'
findutil () {
for u in "$@"; do \
p="$(${WHICH} ${WHICHPARAMS} "$u" 2> /dev/null)"
[ ! -z "$p" ] && break
[ -z "$p" ] && missing "$1"
return 0
whichdetect () {
[ -z "${WHICH}" ] && WHICH="which"
while true; do \
${WHICH} ${WHICHPARAMS} which > /dev/null 2>&1
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then \
findutil which && WHICH="$p"
return 0
[ -z "$1" ] && missing "which"
# Call twice: make sure to get correct flags for actual binary
whichdetect --skip-functions --skip-alias
whichdetect --skip-functions --skip-alias
findutil whoami && WHOAMI="$p"
[ "$(${WHOAMI})" = "root" ] && dontrunasroot
findutil mkdir && MKDIR="$p"
findutil rm && RM="$p"
findutil tar && TAR="$p"
findutil gzip && GZIP="$p"
findutil pwd && PWD="$p"
findutil sed && SED="$p"
findutil readlink && READLINK="$p"
findutil python \
python2 \
python3 && PYTHON="$p"
archive="$(${READLINK} -f "$0")"
${MKDIR} -p "$tmpdir" || die "Error creating temporary directory $tmpdir"
cd $tmpdir || die "Error switching working directory to $tmpdir"
${SED} '0,/^#ARCHIVE#$/d' "$archive" | ${GZIP} -d | ${TAR} x || die "Error extracting embedded archive"
${PYTHON} main.py "$@"
${RM} -Rf "$tmpdir"
exit $retval