There is config option for services.elasticsearch.plugins which takes “list of derivations”.
What I am expected provide there and what would be most easy way to list all possible values?
I would very much appreciate if any of you could tell me howto reference any non “top level” package/derivation.
$ nix search elasticsearchplugins
warning: using cached results; pass '-u' to update the cache
* elasticsearchPlugins.discovery-ec2 (elasticsearch-discovery-ec2-6.5.1)
The EC2 discovery plugin uses the AWS API for unicast discovery.
* elasticsearchPlugins.elasticsearch_analysis_lemmagen (elasticsearch-analysis-lemmagen-6.5.1)
LemmaGen Analysis plugin provides jLemmaGen lemmatizer as Elasticsearch token filter
* elasticsearchPlugins.search_guard (elastic-search-guard-6.5.1-23.2)
Plugin to fetch data from JDBC sources for indexing into Elasticsearch
I’ve also opened PR to add an example of plugins usage into NixOS manual. But I don’t want to merge it yet, because plugin from example doesn’t build for me.
How to add a custom plugin?
I wanted to add “ingest-attachement” needed by elastic search plugin to nextcloud.
Where is elasticsearchPlugins
even defined? Strangely I can only find it referenced with nixos/modules/services/search/elasticsearch.nix according to github.
nix search elasticsearchPlugins