Element call not enabled in element desktop

Hello folks!

I’m not sure what’s happening here. Recently Element got updated to 1.11.84. That’s the version I’m running in my NixOS system:


However, according to the release notes of 1.11.83, Element Call should be enabled by default now.

When my colleagues call me, they get a dropdown asking them if they want to use legacy call or new beta element call systems. However, when I call, I always use legacy calls.

You can install element-desktop from flathub and you’ll see that version has the desired change.

Is there anything special related to NixOS that forbids that feature that got enabled upstream by default? Or is there something broken in my setup?


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Good question. I also noticed this and was wondering what’s going on. I’ll see what I can find out.

I believe the reason for the difference is that Element from Flathub is not built from source.
NixOS does build from source and uses config.sample.json, while the default for Element Call was only changed for element.io release instances in the file ./element.io/app/config.json.

So, would it make sense for NixOS to use element.io/app/config.json, or to open a PR upstream patching config.sample.json? What’s the recommended approach?

Well, I just opened Enable element call by default on sample config by yajo · Pull Request #28491 · element-hq/element-web · GitHub.

I guess we could fwport it in nixos so it lands earlier and we get that new fancy feature.