in Emacs: (add-to-list 'load-path "~/programs/idris2-mode/")
NixOS 24.11 provides the package emacsPackages.idris2-mode but I still need my personal clone from git. The idris2-mode in /nix/store is not known to Emacs.
What do I have to do to make Emacs use the system wide installed idris2-mode?
I assume this question may concern other modes as well.
Thanks @TLATER for your help but that does not work
Here an extract of my systemPackages:
environment.systemPackages = with pkgs;
(dicts: with dicts; [ de en en-computers en-science es fr la ]))
dotty # Research platform for new language concepts and compiler technologies for Scala
(emacs.pkgs.withPackages (epkgs: with epkgs; [ idris2-mode ]))
When I open an Idris file (.idr) I get the following message:
If you eval (message "%s" load-path) and look at your messages, what’s your load-path look like? There should be an idris2 in a site-lisp in there.
Also note you’ll have to restart emacs (if you use it as a service you’ll have to restart the systemd unit, too), and make sure that you don’t have another emacs somewhere in your config that doesn’t have the customization applied. I don’t think doom messes with the load path post site lisp init, but I’m not certain.
On an unrelated tangent, but you might appreciate knowing about leaf and use-package. They can do stuff like that check for whether the idris2 executable is present with some neat macro syntax, i.e. the :if/:when/:unless keywords.