When I use kitty, regardless of the fonts I’ve tried, I can’t see emojis in nvim, or the terminal generally. I see them with Alacritty, but it has its own font. I’ve tried half a dozen or so nerd fonts like, Fira, FiraCode, NotoSansM, Roboto, … The nifty Ctrl-Shft-U just shows blank space next to the codes. I’d appreciate any help, thanks.
Those aren’t emoji fonts. You’d need to install something like noto-fonts-color-emoji
or something else.
If you also need symbols, you need to install NerdFontsSymbolsOnly
fonts.packages = with pkgs; [
(nerdfonts.override { fonts = [ "NerdFontsSymbolsOnly" ]; })
See the docs for more info.
Thanks for the reply. I already have the noto-fonts-color-emoji installed. Maybe I’m misunderstanding how to use it? Kitty seems to only allow one font in the configuration. I only have this in my configuration.
kitty = {
enable = true;
font = {
name = "NotoSansM Nerd Font Mono";
size = 12;
theme = "Monokai Soda";
What’s the config for your fonts? Perhaps there is a conflict somewhere.
This might also be related to `google-fonts` breaks Noto Color Emoji in Kitty · Issue #327846 · NixOS/nixpkgs · GitHub
You’ll also want to use fc-list
to get the font name, and then run fc-match "Font Matching String"
to ensure that the string actually matches the font that you want it to
Thanks. Removing google-fonts fixed it.
I appreciate the reply. It seems google-fonts was causing conflict.