Enabling Gnome Remote Desktop in 24.11

What is the correct way to enable gnome remote desktop in 24.11?

By this I mean, from the Sharing page under settings there should be a remote desktop section. It is easy to find in Ubuntu (perhaps this feature is unique to ubuntu and not present in gnome itself?)

I have tried

services.gnome.gnome-remote-desktop.enable = true;

which did not seem to do anything at all.

I know the other option is xrdp which I have not tried yet but my previous experience with this is that it needs the user to be logged out in order to work. I’m presently looking for more or a screen sharing/control feature like that available in Ubuntu.

If this feature does not exist in Nixos, is there a way to do screen sharing with RDP in a similar fashion?

Ultimately I’d like to be able to log into a server whether it is either logged in or not. If I understand correctly this could be done by the regular gnome remote desktop with xrdp on another port for when it is not logged in.

Any tips appreciated.


Looks like this is a bug: GNOME Settings no longer shows the Remote Desktop settings · Issue #361163 · NixOS/nixpkgs · GitHub

Ah, this explains why it jumped to that tab when I search for remote. I didn’t consider that it wasn’t my own incompetence. I’ll keep an eye on the bug as it seems a pretty big one and will hopefully be sorted. It’s not too urgent for me just now fortunately

maybe these

There’s a thread here from 5 months ago with some more info. It helped me, but not enough. After some trial and error I have the server running, but when connecting Remmina I get a black window for a couple of seconds and then it exits/fails.

I see I had working remote desktop back in NixOS 22.11: Remmina client to GNOME remote desktop server (RDP) results in black screen · Issue #238800 · NixOS/nixpkgs · GitHub.