Error in installing glibc-iconv

I am trying to get a nix system to fly, unfortunately I keep finding problems.

In particular, it seems like it is not able to install glibc-iconv which is quite the foundation for several other packages.

Is there anything I should be doing?

$ nix-env -i glibc-iconv
... some stuff and compilation...
building '/cvmfs/'...
unpacking sources
variable $src or $srcs should point to the source
builder for '/cvmfs/' failed with exit code 1
building '/cvmfs/'...
cannot build derivation '/cvmfs/': 1 dependencies couldn't be built
cannot build derivation '/cvmfs/': 1 dependencies couldn't be built
cannot build derivation '/cvmfs/': 1 dependencies couldn't be built
error: build of '/cvmfs/' failed

This particular nix installation works quite alright, I was able to install gcc and make, so it works in general. But it is unable to install glibc-iconv and whatever depends on it.

I do have a somehow complex environment since I compiled nix from scratch using this script: · GitHub

$ nix-env -q

Should I report this error?

I reported it over here: glibc-iconv does not build using a custom store location · Issue #70856 · NixOS/nixpkgs · GitHub

Along with a docker image to reproduce the issue.