Error: secret key is corrupt when building flake

A little bit of back story if it matters

I started playing around with Nix 2-3 weeks ago. I’ve been able to get it up and running fine on a virtual box vm . I’ve managed to install few packages and make some config changes as well.

Then, I tried flakes as that’s what every nix user recommends. And I was able migrate to it successfully.


Now I want to have a more “permanent” vm and so I setup a vm on Proxmox. I followed this repo GitHub - mitchellh/nixos-config: My NixOS configurations. as guideline to structure my nix config. (i.e. having a machines folder for each machine and so and so). The base NixOS installation goes through fine but I’m just not able to build the flake. This is the error I got

root@nixos:/nix-config]# nixos-rebuild switch --flake .#vm-intel
building the system configuration...
error: secret key is corrupt

I have no clue which secret it’s referring to. The “only” change I made was a bit of refactoring.

nix store verify throws this error but I also see this error on my VirtualBox VM and there the flake builds with no problem. So I’m not really sure if this is an issue.

[root@nixos:/nix-config]# nix store verify
error: flake 'path:/nix-config' does not provide attribute 'packages.x86_64-linux.default' or 'defaultPackage.x86_64-linux'

How I’ve structured my new configs

The hardware-configuration.nix file is coming from the new proxmox vm installation. But the flake.nix flake.lock and nix configuration file (nixos-config/machines/vm-intel.nix ) is coming from my previous installation in VirtualBox.

Maybe this mismatch is causing the issue … I’m not sure.

My Nix Config

I was able to build it.

❯ nixos-rebuild build --flake .#vm-intel
building the system configuration...
warning: updating lock file '/home/will/code/external/nixos-config/flake.lock':
• Updated input 'nixpkgs':
    'github:NixOS/nixpkgs/c68a9fc85c2cb3a313be6ff40511635544dde8da' (2024-02-15)
  → 'github:nixos/nixpkgs/b7ee09cf5614b02d289cd86fcfa6f24d4e078c2a' (2024-02-26)
warning: Git tree '/home/will/code/external/nixos-config' is dirty

For some reason it updated the lock file.

nix store verify I think is a red herring. I get the same issue on my flake system config.

Do you only get that error when switching?

Perhaps related to: Getting "secret key is corrupt" on most commands · Issue #45339 · NixOS/nixpkgs · GitHub

Perhaps try deleting your lock file and rebuilding.

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Thanks. Interesting that you were able to build it!

fails with the same error on build as well

[root@nixos:/nix-config]# nixos-rebuild build --flake .#vm-intel
building the system configuration...
error: secret key is corrupt

removing the lock file also didn’t help

[root@nixos:/nix-config]# nixos-rebuild build --flake .#vm-intel
building the system configuration...
warning: creating lock file '/nix-config/flake.lock'
error: secret key is corrupt

I had seen this issue before. I doubt that’s a similar issue to mine though. Specially since you were able to build my config.

wonder if error is coming from

Sorry still digging.

What all do you have going on under:

ls -lah /etc/nixos/

perhaps something related to binary cache?

Anything changes if you change the nix.settings at the end of vm-intel.nix?

  nix.settings = {
    experimental-features = "nix-command flakes repl-flake";
    substituters = [
    trusted-public-keys = [
[root@nixos:/nix-config]# ls -lah /etc/nixos
total 20K
drwxr-xr-x  2 root root 4.0K Feb 26 11:41 .
drwxr-xr-x 20 root root 4.0K Feb 28 07:05 ..
-rw-r--r--  1 root root 4.4K Feb 26 11:41 configuration.nix
-rw-r--r--  1 root root 1.3K Feb 26 11:41 hardware-configuration.nix
[root@nixos:/nix-config]# nixos-rebuild build --flake .#vm-intel
building the system configuration...
warning: updating lock file '/nix-config/flake.lock':
• Updated input 'nixpkgs':
    'github:NixOS/nixpkgs/c68a9fc85c2cb3a313be6ff40511635544dde8da' (2024-02-15)
  → 'github:nixos/nixpkgs/b7ee09cf5614b02d289cd86fcfa6f24d4e078c2a' (2024-02-26)
error: secret key is corrupt

perhaps something related to binary cache?

I’ve tried reinstalling this flake on fresh installation a couple of times. So I’m not sure if it’s cache.

I moved all the files inside /etc/nixos to a different directory and ran the build command and it’s still the same error.

Probably someone smarter than me will come along lol. I’ll try this in a VM tomorrow if not.

Thanks @willbush.
Appreciate your help.

I should probably try this newly structured config on virtual box as well. Maybe this has to do with Proxmox somehow.

It was in fact related to the ssh keys !!

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