Errors following the nixOps documentation example

I’m trying to learn nixOps basics by following along the documentation. I’m on a Mac (10.13.6) if that makes any difference.

➜  nix-env -i nixops
installing 'nixops-1.6'
[...proceeds to install.... looks good ....]

Great, so I move on to Deploying on VirtualBox. I cut and paste the example files from the docs, and write them locally.

➜  cat trivial.nix
  network.description = "Web server";

  webserver =
    { config, pkgs, ... }:
    { services.httpd.enable = true;
      services.httpd.adminAddr = "";
      services.httpd.documentRoot = "${pkgs.valgrind.doc}/share/doc/valgrind/html";
      networking.firewall.allowedTCPPorts = [ 80 ];
➜  cat trivial-vbox.nix
  webserver =
    { config, pkgs, ... }:
    { deployment.targetEnv = "virtualbox";
      deployment.virtualbox.memorySize = 1024; # megabytes
      deployment.virtualbox.vcpu = 2; # number of cpus

I create my deployment using the command given, and list the result.

➜  nixops create ./trivial.nix ./trivial-vbox.nix -d trivial
created deployment ‘8e7527dc-312a-11e9-ba88-80e65003443c’
➜  nixops list
| UUID                                 | Name    | Description            | # Machines | Type |
| 8e7527dc-312a-11e9-ba88-80e65003443c | trivial | Unnamed NixOps network |          0 |      |

Hang on! Unnamed?!?!

Next step is to get more information, so let’s try that…

➜  nixops info -d trivial
error: value is null while a set was expected, at /nix/store/nrbxkhpq5xbxc0mbiw011nw8z7vzins5-nixpkgs-19.03pre167327.11cf7d6e1ff/nixpkgs/pkgs/top-level/default.nix:63:5
warning: evaluation of the deployment specification failed; status info may be incorrect

Network name: trivial
Network UUID: 8e7527dc-312a-11e9-ba88-80e65003443c
Network description: Unnamed NixOps network
Nix expressions: /Users/pauls/nix/trivial.nix /Users/pauls/nix/trivial-vbox.nix

| Name | Status | Type | Resource Id | IP address |

Error! What’s gone wrong? Help! What have I done?

I’ve looked at the file it references, but it means nothing to me. Line 63 is the line begining with builtins.intersectAttrs.

  # From a minimum of `system` or `config` (actually a target triple, *not*
  # nixpkgs configuration), infer the other one and platform as needed.
  localSystem = (
    # Allow setting the platform in the config file. This take precedence over
    # the inferred platform, but not over an explicitly passed-in one.
    builtins.intersectAttrs { platform = null; } config
    // args.localSystem);

Just to add, I tried this on a nixOS VM. I thought that maybe it was a darwin issue, but…

[demo@nixos:~/nix]$ nix-env -i nixops         
installing 'nixops-1.6.1'
[....snip lots of output....]

[demo@nixos:~/nix]$ nixops create ./trivial.nix ./trivial-vbox.nix -d trivial
created deployment ‘411bc79e-316c-11e9-8daf-08002779d6f3’

[demo@nixos:~/nix]$ nixops list
| UUID                                 | Name    | Description            | # Machines | Type |
| 411bc79e-316c-11e9-8daf-08002779d6f3 | trivial | Unnamed NixOps network |          0 |      |

[demo@nixos:~/nix]$ nixops info -d trivial
Network name: trivial
Network UUID: 411bc79e-316c-11e9-8daf-08002779d6f3
Network description: Web server
Nix expressions: /home/demo/nix/trivial.nix /home/demo/nix/trivial-vbox.nix

| Name      |  Status | Type       | Resource Id | IP address |
| webserver | Missing | virtualbox |             |            |


Not exactly the same, but still with problems.