Flakes: How to use poetry's virtualenv python executable?

I’m working on a project with Python, and I’m using poetry for the convenience of managing my dependencies. I’m using poetry shell in shellHook because I thought that that would enable all the scripts from the virtualenv, but it seems I’m mistaken:

2024-03-27 07:01:08,918 CST - ERROR - pylsp.plugins.flake8_lint - Error while running flake8 '/nix/store/sw7yq653d031bh7q04wy9j5kqgdaxfb7-python3-3.11.8-env/bin/python3.11: No module named flake8

My editor, Emacs, is using the python executable from the store, not from the virtualenv as I expect.

How do I use the python from the virtualenv?


# This flake was initially generated by fh, the CLI for FlakeHub (version 0.1.9)

  # Flake inputs
  inputs = {
    pre-commit-hooks.url = "github:cachix/pre-commit-hooks.nix";
    flake-schemas.url =

    nixpkgs.url = "https://flakehub.com/f/NixOS/nixpkgs/0.2311.*.tar.gz";

  # Flake outputs that other flakes can use
  outputs = { self, flake-schemas, nixpkgs, pre-commit-hooks }:
      # Helpers for producing system-specific outputs
      supportedSystems =
        [ "x86_64-linux" "aarch64-darwin" "x86_64-darwin" "aarch64-linux" ];
      forEachSupportedSystem = f:
        nixpkgs.lib.genAttrs supportedSystems (system:
          f {
            pkgs = import nixpkgs { inherit system; };
            inherit system;
    in {
      # Schemas tell Nix about the structure of your flake's outputs
      schemas = flake-schemas.schemas;

      checks = forEachSupportedSystem ({ system, ... }: {
        pre-commit-check = pre-commit-hooks.lib.${system}.run {
          src = ./.;
          hooks = {
            # nix
            nixpkgs-fmt.enable = true;
            # python
            black.enable = true;
            isort.enable = true;
            mypy.enable = true;
            flake8.enable = true;
            # shell
            shfmt.enable = true;
            shellcheck.enable = true;
      # Development environments
      devShells = forEachSupportedSystem ({ pkgs, ... }: {
        default = pkgs.mkShell {
          # Pinned packages available in the environment
          packages = with pkgs; [

            # ⚠ PySide y Shiboken son instalados por Nix, no por poetry
            (python311.withPackages (ps:
              with ps; [
                # interprete

                # pyside
          shellHook = ''
            poetry shell -n

My pyproject.toml:

name = "..."
version = "0.1.0"
description = "..."
authors = ["..."]
license = "GPL3"
readme = "README.md"

python = ">=3.11,<3.13"
poethepoet = "^0.25.0"
black = "^24.3.0"
flake8 = "^7.0.0"
pytest = "^8.1.1"
python-lsp-server = "^1.10.1"
pyls-flake8 = "^0.4.0"
pyls-isort = "^0.2.2"
pylsp-mypy = "^0.6.8"
python-lsp-black = "^2.0.0"

requires = ["poetry-core"]
build-backend = "poetry.core.masonry.api"

mypy_path = "src/stubs"

module = ["PySide2.*"]
ignore_missing_imports = true

convert-ui = "scripts/convert_ui.sh ./ui ./src/ui"
mypy = "stubgen -o src/stubs src/ui"
run = "python app.py"

max-line-length = 88

line-length = 88