Flameshot app save dialog shows no contents of directories

I checked all settings which were correct, had the package installed in my home.nix then i uninstalled it and installed the flatpak which works just fine. I submitted a report to the GitHub for flameshot as well.
Report sent to the developer: Save Dialog does NOT show any contents, completely empty on all directories · Issue #3449 · flameshot-org/flameshot · GitHub

I am posting screenshots with this

First two photos are from flameshot installed via NixOS packages:

This is showing it works just fine on the flatpak:

Those look like different file explorers.

What exactly are you trying to show?

I see 2 screenshots of an empty folder ~/Pictures and a screenshot showing a “full” ~.

PS: if you open an issue somewhere, it’s always good to link to those.

Good point, sorry the pics with nothing in the directory is the package installed from NixOS. The one showing items in the directory is the Flatpak
Here is the link to the report to the dev Save Dialog does NOT show any contents, completely empty on all directories · Issue #3449 · flameshot-org/flameshot · GitHub

Point I wanted to make is: provide pictures of the same folder, showing different results.

For now my assumption is: ~/Pictures doesn’t include any file matching the PNG filter nor any folders to dig into, while ~ has at least folders.