Gdm locked screen login bugged

Hi there!

I recently updated to NixOs 24.05… Somewhen around that moment (not shure of the exact moment) my GDM login on the locked screen became bugged…

I have set an ‘.face’ image file for the user profile picture in my home directory.
Otherwise no special adaptions were mada as far as I remember.

See screenshot:

the text field is squashed and the visibility icon way too big.
otherwise the login is still working.

Any ideas what that could be?

Just ran into the same thing on my gnome installation. Did you ever get this solved?

I vaguely recall this happened when you installed GDM without some required GNOME component, maybe gnome-shell or adwaita-icon-theme. It is a bug that should be fixed in gnome.gdm package or gdm NixOS module – the module should be self-contained.

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It’s something in the recent versions. When I reverted to my previous lock file and rebuilt, everything came back. I may try again In the morning.

i still have this issue. as the login is still working i simply see as a plus of privacy :wink:
happy to see a solution though…

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It is possible we adjusted some propagated dependencies, which resulted in a transitive dependent losing a necessary dependency. Unfortunately, the desktop environment packages are often not fully hermetic (ensuring that would be too much effort) so it can happen that DE leaks some dependency, masking insufficient dependencies in programs run within.

What revisions did you test?

EDIT wrong post. My bad.

Switched to unstable and the problem was gone. It seems to be solved upstreams…