Getting ENV vars inside of writeShellApplication

I found a workaround, but is this the right approach for getting env vars inside of writeShellApplication?

I’ve been migrating some of my scripts over to my NixOS config and I had some trouble getting a tmux sessioniser script to work for me. The general idea is to open an fzf window with a list of directories and start a session, or attach to the existing session for that dir.

I got the script from here but had to add the final check at the end or it just fails if you’re not in a tmux session.

My script passed shellcheck and I was about to build it, but when I ran it would crash with complaints about an unbound variable for $TMUX. writeShellApplication sets nounset so that explains why I get an error, but I want to get that var from env vars, and if it doesn’t exist, that’s fine because I am checking for it with -z.

Technically correct is the best kind of correct, after all, and $TMUX is not defined in my script so it makes sense to throw here. I was trying to find a good way to get an env var if it exists, and I guess default to nothing if not.

I tried a few options and I have something that works now, but I was curious if there’s a smarter way to do this.

My workaround was this line: TMUX=$(printenv TMUX || echo "")

Here’s the snippet in question.

# I set selected and selected name above

# checks for the process
tmux_running=$(pgrep tmux)

# tmux sets the $TMUX env var when you're in tmux
TMUX=$(printenv TMUX || echo "") # had to do this for nix

# if tmux isn't running at all, create new session
if [[ -z "$TMUX" ]] && [[ -z "$tmux_running" ]]; then
    tmux new-session -s "$selected_name" -c "$selected"
    exit 0

# tmux is running, check if session exists first and create if not
if ! tmux has-session -t="$selected_name" 2> /dev/null; then
    tmux new-session -ds "$selected_name" -c "$selected"

# session exists, switch or attach
if [ "$TMUX" ]; then
  tmux switch-client -t "$selected_name"
  tmux a -t "$selected_name"

I don’t think printenv is necessary here. provides some context on nounset, including how to work around the error.

writeShellApplication is opinionated, but nothing about Nix or nixpkgs compel us to use it over a less-opinionated approach as needed.


See the Bash manual.

${foo:-val} $foo, or val if unset (or null)

error: undefined variable 'TMUX-'
       at /nix/store/67dswch85d4fzfajbmk1p5lammkqlbyf-source/homeManagerModules/tmux/scripts.nix:32:20:
           31|         # if tmux isn't running at all, create new session
           32|         if [[ -z ${TMUX-} ]] && [[ -z "$tmux_running" ]]; then

It seems like writeShellApplication is very opinionated .

I tried parameter expansion before resorting to printenv. I just double checked again though in case I was doing something dumb.

${TMUX:-} doesn’t work and neither does ${TMUX-default}

I guess printenv works fine in this case, because I liked having pkgs specified as runtimeInputs, and shellcheck running.

We baited you, unfortunately. It wasn’t clear here that your script is actually inlined in a .nix file.

You’ll need to escape it. Assuming this is in a double-quoted '' multiline string, that should look like: ''${TMUX-}

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Escaping it did the trick. I probably should have just posted the whole file with writeShellApplication in there to make it more clear. Thanks for the help!

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