Good non official nix resources

Hey, does anyone know more great blogs, such as Determinate Systems where there are many helpful and best practice articles about nix? I am looking to have as many resources as possible to learn more and more. :slight_smile:


There are a couple of nice blogs around the broader nix ecosystem that I’ve found helpful before, particularly these three I refer to every once in a while:

There are definitely more though, the #links category is full of them. There’s also, which is the good-nix-documentation-page-to-be - still heavily under development, but what is there is good.

There’s also the nix pills, which while excellent, cover nix more from a “why do we want this” and “this is how it works” than a “this is how you use it” perspective, which is great for a certain audience, but not necessarily newcomers.


Here’s my proposal to add a bunch of non-official links to awesome-nix: Overhaul learning section and add a bunch of things by alper · Pull Request #172 · nix-community/awesome-nix · GitHub


Not all blogs but here’s a few resources:

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