Governance: Using Loomio

This seems like a solid piece of software that the foundation can use to hold votes n such :slight_smile:
Link to Loomio

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It could work if people here resonate. People tend to need some guidance to use it in my experience. But with guidance it can work

The consensus for the next phase seems to be to use zulip

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Stay tuned, we鈥檒l start sending invites in the European morning! Request for a Zulip account for governance discussion 路 Issue #143 路 NixOS/foundation 路 GitHub

Oh but loomio does look interesting :thinking: Nice suggestion!

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We could self-host an instance as well since it FLOSS (AGPLv3)

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Just created a Zulip topic for this, to join, see Zulip for governance discussions :wink:

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We鈥檙e closing governance related discussions, since the official platform for those was declared to be on Zulip.