Graphical installer for 32bit users

hi i was wondering if there will be a graphical installer for 32 bit users sorry if this question is odd. i tried the text based installer but didn’t turn out well.

Hi there, unfortunately, I don’t think there’s much maintenance for 32 bits currently, and we are probably looking to remove more cache for i686 for the next release.

for people like me who do toy around with there old hardware like me, is becoming hard to find a distro that with support 32 bit verison is there anyway to keep it alive?

You can try to build an installer image even for officially unsupported platforms (like armv6, armv7, riscv, etc.). I think It will more or less work, but it takes a very long time to build everything from source and you’ll occasionally have to fix some packages.

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The only way would be to find someone who will maintain the platform. Nobody stepped up the last few years, so that’s why it’s getting the axe.
This is a community effort and members have limited time that they don’t want to spend on a rather dead platform.

i686 will likely continue to be partially supported through the need for WINE and 32b drivers etc. for a long time and, as @rnhmjoj mentioned, you will likely still be able to at least build some software for it for toying around purposes but you won’t be able to expect anyone to care if it breaks.

ive tried building it, but like i said it didn’t work out. why not have a.i do it?

What did you try and what went wrong?

well getting root privileges to setup wifi was a nightmare because it would ask for a password leaving it blenk would throw an error and after looking at the install method i quit at the headache of dealing with errors i use debian but i heard there gonna ditch 32bit support as well. i tried slackware but always had issues with the gui not starting or my wifi doesn’t work.

here’s my retro setup

asus cuv4d motherboard
pentium 3 @ 1.0ghz x2
4gb of ram maxed out
64gb compact flash card
ati radeon hd 3650 silent asus one
railnk rt2860
soundblaster audigy2

ask for a password leaving it blenk would throw an error

I’m not sure. As you said, the password is empty, so sudo shouldn’t even ask for one.

after looking at the install method i quit at the headache of dealing with errors

I was suggesting to try to build your own version of the graphical installer (for i686-linux), but you’re probably not familiar enough with Nix.

i use debian but i heard there gonna ditch 32bit support as well. i tried slackware but always had issues with the gui not starting or my wifi doesn’t work.

Uhm, If you don’t care about it being a Linux kernel and just want to fool around with an old PC, maybe try Haiku. They publish a 32bit installer and Haiku runs on older systems better than on modern ones.

i care because i don’t like the way linux as a whole is headed ubuntu is already talking about dropping support for older 64bit cpus and fedora is in a similar situation i built this setup so i can use it more.and no im not familiar with this distribution all that much. im very aware with haiku but always had issues with my wifi adapter. and more thing what about using a micro kernel??