Deadline is Feb 11. Anyone interested to help organize, submit, or mentor?
Copying an email I received here:
We are thrilled to announce Google Summer of Code 2025, our 21st year of the program! The blog post will go live at 2000 UTC today on the Google Open Source blog but we wanted to let all of you know first.
GSoC 2025 Org Applications are open from Monday, January 27 - Tuesday, Feb 11.
What’s new for GSoC 2025?
We are looking to bring more security and AI/ML projects into GSoC 2025, a common interest for potential GSoC contributors. If you know of an open source org doing cool things in AI/ML or security please refer them to GSoC. If they have questions you can send them to
GSoC Mentoring Org application tips talk
We will be hosting a GSoC 2025 Mentoring Organization Application Tips talk on Wednesday, January 22 at 1700 UTC to help clear up questions folks might have as they get ready to apply to be mentoring orgs in GSoC 2025 from January 27 - February 11.
If you are not able to attend the talk we will also be adding a link to the slide deck after the conclusion of the talk on this list so you can reference it.
Date: Wednesday, January 22, 2025
Time: 17:00 - 18:00 UTC
Meet Link:
This talk is not for potential GSoC Contributors. We will hold multiple sessions for potential GSoC Contributors in mid February - mid March about preparing for the contributor application period that starts on March 24 and ends on April 8.
Contributor Talk #1 on Wednesday, February 19, 16:00UTC:
Contributor Talk #2 on Tuesday, February 25, 2:00 - 3:00 UTC
Contributor Talk #3 on Thursday, March 6, 16:00 - 17:00 UTC
Spreading the word about GSoC
We need your help to spread the word amongst your circles about GSoC.
Explore our resources, timeline, the Contributor/Student Guide and Mentor Guide. The GSoC 2025 flyer and slide deck are available on our resources page.
Have a group you think GSoC should reach out to?
Diversity in open source communities is vital to the health of our communities. Please spread the word about GSoC to communities in your country or in your network particularly those that reach underrepresented groups in open source. If you have a suggestion for a group you think the GSoC team should add to our list of contacts that we send out emails to about the program, or if you have a group that you think would be a good opportunity for GSoC Administrators to give a virtual talk about GSoC please email us at with their details (email and contact person if you have one available).
Resources for Mentoring Orgs:
Mentor Panel Discussion Notes (these are from our 2024 discussions)
Marketing Materials (slide deck, flyers)
See you at FOSDEM and in Madrid, Spain
The GSoC team is headed back to Brussels to attend FOSDEM 2025 in a couple of weeks. Our Brussels GSoC meetup is filling up fast but we do have space available. If you will be in the Brussels area and would like to attend the dinner meetup please register here. Looking forward to seeing many of you in Brussels in February!
If you are in the central Madrid, Spain Madrid GSoC meetup interest form on Wednesday, January 29th and would like to join us for a small dinner (about 20 people) for our GSoC alumni (contributors and mentors only) please fill out this form by January 16th. Thanks!
If you have any questions please email us at .
Thank you all for continuing to build our amazing open source community! We hope to see you soon at an event or in the 2025 GSoC program.
GSoC Program Admins