Hey all, it is October again and the Hacktoberfest by Digital Ocean has started.
However, this year is a bit different, if a github repository wants to participate in the hacktoberferst it needs to explicitly opt-in by setting the tag hacktoberfest for the repo.
I really think that the hacktoberfest incentivizes people to contribute to OSS Software - at least this is true for me as i have already prepared a couple of PRs just for this October.
On freenode in #nixos-dev there was already a bit of discussion, especially regarding signal vs noise ratio and the general consensus was that nixpkgs could at least give it a shot.
Yes, but then you need to label each contribution with hacktoberfest-accepted, where as labeling the entire repo allows for this to be “done” for all contributions.
actual wording:
Ineligible Repository
Your PR was submitted to a repository that is not participating in Hacktoberfest. Maintainers of the repository can add the “hacktoberfest” topic to their repository if they wish to participate. Alternatively, an individual PR can be opted-in with a maintainer adding the “hacktoberfest-accepted” label to the PR.
I just looked at my Hacktoberfest profile and saw that all my PR’s to nixpkgs are now counted as ineligible because the hacktoberfest label has been removed and I made all of them during the last days of October. The way I understood the rules, all PRs undergo a “maturing period” of two weeks, during which the repo must stay labeled with the hacktoberfest label, otherwise they don’t count.
Now, I realize that feeling slightly bummed out about not getting a T-Shirt is definitely a first world problem, but I still wanted to let you know in case the nixpkgs community wants to participate next year (assuming the rules would stay the same).
Thank you all for your work making NixOS and the nixpkgs collection!