Help with some issues I'm unable to diagnose

  • I’m having an issue with the metadata-cleaner package, where if I drag and drop a file in its window it does nothing, but if I open file selection I can open files from there.

  • Tenacity is asking me to install ffmpeg, I tried with both ffmpeg and ffmpeg-full, I’m still asked to install ffmpeg.

  • Both ventoy and ventoy-full can’t be launched, they have no start menu entry, nor can the GUI be launched from command line.

I don’t know what to do, I have no idea why they would not work.

Python apps are notoriously uncooperative on nixos.

I actually just checked the tenacity source on nixos githubs pkgs, and ffmpeg is part of the build inputs so the fact its prompting you for install is strange.

Post any output relevant to this and please post your config as is too if you are willing.

Also dump your dmesg and journalctl -r, last 200 or so messages should be enough

Not at all, assuming they’re packaged correctly and upstream didn’t do something strange.

Fair enough, i cant speak to it much personally as i try to stay away from python. Mostly just stick with C and C++, easier to compile and such. Only experiences ive had with python2 and 3 have just been shit experiences but maybe thats just me.


This is the error message. There is nothing relevant in the logs. In Preferences: Libraries I can select the ffmpeg path, but it’s impossible to point to the nix-store and I’d rather have the distro take care of such things.

The relevant configuration is simply declaring pkgs.tenacity and pkgs.ffmpeg, maybe I’m missing something?

nixpkgs.config.packageOverrides = pkgs: {
    tenacity = pkgs.tenacity.override {
      extraPkgs = pkgs: with pkgs; [

Try this

error: function 'anonymous lambda' called with unexpected argument 'extraPkgs'
       at /nix/store/.../nixos/pkgs/by-name/te/tenacity/package.nix:1:1:
            1| {
             | ^
            2|   stdenv

I get this error when I try to rebuild

It took me a while to figure out wtf but i think i got it.
TLDR, apparently there are some ‘legal’ problems with including ffmpeg in tenacity itself so its packages separately for that reason.

Secondly: i inspected this closely: nixpkgs/pkgs/by-name/te/tenacity/package.nix at 76ec51ad967a5fa74a3814c63591a9a7a449df1e · NixOS/nixpkgs · GitHub and found that ffmpeg is listed and theres a comment on line 83:

tenacity only looks for ffmpeg at runtime, so we need to link it in manually

so it is included in the nix build and so are the runtime libraries and the links to them, i think this is a bug that needs to be reported to the maintainers.

In the meantime, it might be worth checking out audacity. Its not too different and i tried ffmpeg with it and it seemed to work ok for me.

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While im thinking about it, some linking needs an env refresh. Stupid question, but have you tried rebooting after a nixos-rebuild switch?

I did, it didn’t fix it.

should I open a bug report in their repo? Can I point them to your comprehensive answer?

Well, reboot was worth a shot anyway.

Bug report in their repo sounds like the right move, and sure. I dont see anything else online so its a place to start for them at least

packageOverrides is a long deprecated interface, either an overlay or better an override at point-of-use would be better.

And as OP’s error mentioned, tenacity does not have an extraPkgs expression arg, I can’t tell where you got that from.

Bug reports should go to nixpkgs first, in any case.

Understood. There is an open issue already, hopefully they will fix it soon.

Any idea about the other issues with metadata-cleaner and ventoy?

metadata-cleaners bug with the ui sounds like a gtk or qt bug, usually is with that type of thing.
As for ventoy, do you get any output at all when you run it from console?

I can only run the CLI of the program, not the GUI. These are the possible options

ventoy                    ventoy-persistent         ventoy-web                
ventoy-extend-persistent  ventoy-plugson   

I’m on Plasma 6, all other GTK apps seem to work

Can you try to execute ventoys gui from the shell and print the debug out?

I don’t see any option for it, only those listed, I got those by typing vent and hitting tab twice

Alright, open your journal viewer for KDE. Ksystemlogviewer i believe.

While looking at it, run ventoys gui and find the log lines for the failure. Copy pasta them here for me

I don’t have such software

How do I do it? That’s the point of the issue