HM 24.11: Firefox with passff-host

after upgrading home-manager to 24.11 I notice my passff-host (nativemessaginghost) is not working anymore.

  programs.firefox = {
    enable = true;
    nativeMessagingHosts = [ pkgs.passff-host pkgs.ff2mpv-go ];

after activation,

~/.mozilla/native-messaging-hosts/passff.json points to /nix/store/zjab4mh73wyh6i23v5xcj9djgj0k7cf4-home-manager-files/.mozilla/native-messaging-hosts/passff.json

but this symlink is broken:

/nix/store/zjab4mh73wyh6i23v5xcj9djgj0k7cf4-home-manager-files/.mozilla/native-messaging-hosts/passff.json points to ../../../share/passff-host/passff.json

I don’t know what’s the deal with this relative link, but since no-one else seems to be complaining I figure this might be an issue with my own setup. But what can I do to fix this?

Someone tried to fix this half a year ago, but HM maintainers didn’t look at it yet

OK - clear, then I need to implement a dirty workaround.

Code for who is looking for a workaround:

  home.file.passff-host-workaround = {
    target =
    source = "${pkgs.passff-host}/share/passff-host/passff.json";
  programs.firefox = {
    enable = true;
    nativeMessagingHosts = [
      #  pkgs.passff-host # disabled see above