How Can I Install Blender 3.6

Hi. I need to install blender 3.6 because i cant run blender 4.0 and newer versions but i cant figure it out.I tried flakes but blender crashes.
flake.nix i use

  description = "blender 3.6";
  inputs = {
      nixpkgs.url =;
  outputs = { self, nixpkgs}: let 
    system = "x86_64-linux";
    pkgs = import nixpkgs {inherit system;};
        devShells."${system}".default = pkgs.mkShell{
           packages = with pkgs; [blender];        

I tried steam but sometimes its not opens blender and slows down my computer.
In other distros i used snap for this but i cant install snapd in nixos.
I hope i can explained myself.My english not so good.

As a general advice, try running blender from the command line and paste the error message.
For Snaps, take a look at Snap - NixOS Wiki.
There seem to be some projects that maintain AppImage versions so maybe check those as well.

Is this commit ID belong to nixpkgs-unstable or nixos-unstable ?

Try the hashes here: blender | How to install with Nix or Devbox


Read prefs: "/home/efeb/.config/blender/3.6/config/userpref.blend"
EGL Error (0x3000): EGL_SUCCESS: The last function succeeded without error.
EGL Error (0x3000): EGL_SUCCESS: The last function succeeded without error.
EGL Error (0x3000): EGL_SUCCESS: The last function succeeded without error.
EGL Error (0x3000): EGL_SUCCESS: The last function succeeded without error.
EGL Error (0x3000): EGL_SUCCESS: The last function succeeded without error.
EGL Error (0x3000): EGL_SUCCESS: The last function succeeded without error.
EGL Error (0x3000): EGL_SUCCESS: The last function succeeded without error.
EGL Error (0x3000): EGL_SUCCESS: The last function succeeded without error.
Warning: No OpenGL vendor detected.
blender: ../src/dispatch_common.c:885: epoxy_get_proc_address: Assertion `0 && "Couldn't find current GLX or EGL context.\n"' failed.
Aborted (çekirdek döküldü)