How can I install `jquery` and `bootstrap4` from nixpkgs for `prosody.nix` `mod_invites`?

Is it in nixpkgs? thanks.

External dependencies

The default HTML templates for the web-based modules1 depend on the Bootstrap 4 CSS and JavaScript libraries, and the jQuery library. They expect these to be available at

An easy way to provide theam instead if you are on Debian 10 (buster) is to enable mod_http_libjs and install the following packages:

apt install libjs-bootstrap4 libjs-jquery

On other systems you will need to manually fetch and put these libraries somewhere on the filesystem that Prosody can read, and serve them using mod_http_libjs with a custom libjs_path setting.

@toastal is the maintainer for this package on nixpkgs, maybe he can help.

You could try putting the files on a reverse proxy in front of the XMPP server, but I can’t say I know much about this particular situation or why they thought they needed jQuery or Bootstrap dependencies for this task… 1. who knows what version the host really comes with, 2. we can see they vendored QR code scanning + UA detection already, & 3. there really isn’t much code to begin with so it is such a huge dependency (4. there practices too that look like HTML dev from last decade).