How do I copy my boot directory onto a new partition

So I’m booted onto a livecd right now with gparted open. I really don’t want to mess up my bootloader and I can’t find anything online specifically for nixos that isn’t “just clear the nix cache.” BTW I also am dual booting windows on the drive.

So from what I’ve read in gparted on a live cd

  • Copy the boot efi partition onto the new fat32 unallocated space.
  • Set the uuid on the old one to a random new one
  • Switch to terminal
  • grub-install /dev/name
  • grub-update
  • delete old boot partition in gparted
  • reboot

Are these steps right, and do I need to do anything differently on nixos? Thank you so much for reading this, I’m just being overly worried because I don’t want to accidentally mess it up.

Also, do I need to update my configuration.nix to point to the new UUID?

Alternative, is it dangerous to just move every partition over and then merge boot with the empty space? That involves moving msfres partitions, is that dangerous?

Alright so I went with plan b,

So I moved my empty space over to the boot drive and merged it in. It says though, when running a check that it can’t use the full space, with the error libparted cannot resize to this size. What does that mean?

Alright just did this and it broke nix and I have to reinstall :+1:. Don’t do this lol.