How do you declare your PWA:s?


I have a few apps that I run as PWA (Outlook, Teams, ProtonPass) via Vivaldi, potentially more… How do you approach these when configuring your systems/flakes?

I want to have them declared so I can get my desktop entries from scratch but from what I can tell I have to manually “install” the site as a PWA in Vivaldi so it gets an entry in vivaldi://apps and then all it does is create a desktop entry in .local/share/applications that basically opens Vivaldi with a set of parameters. But I don’t want to have hard-coded app ids in my configuration etc…

Is there better way of “encapsulating” these sites as apps, instead of installing them via a browser? I know of Ferdium, but I want each app to have its own desktop entry. I found this compiled list of services but it’s quite outdated and I can’t find any of them in nixpkgs.


Does vivaldi support the cli parameter --app= like chromium does?

I just created a desktop file with the flag for certain sites and used Home Manager to drop the desktop files into ~/.local/share/applications. The only part that is a pain is getting the proper wmclass on Wayland so that my icons show properly in alt+tab.

This is currently how I am doing it, but I am trying to move to Firefox, so I am looking for a way to do similar.

Thanks for the reply, I have since moved on to Firefox because of all the crashes and bugs in Vivaldi… Haven’t gotten around to looking into it in Firefox. Please reply if you have.

I actually went to chromium, and do have a wrapper written that is working quite well for me. I had to drop FF due to some glitches, and certain sites I have to use for work are not supported in FF. So… Chromium is where I landed, and has been the most stable for me thus far.