How do you run a bash script?

I’m going through this book command line and shell scripting bible. Unfortunately I don’t really understand how it works.

In this examples I would make a file lets say ‘test’
In this file it would say

#This script displays the date and who’s logged in

then I would save the file and type in chmod u+x test
giving my user permission to execute the file.
./test in ubuntu it worked

I tried looking other peoples topics on here and on the web but I’m too much of a noob to understand what their talking about. Is there a simple solution for this? I do understand nixos is preinstalled with sh shouldn’t i be able to change the nixos/configuration with bash instead? sorry for such a basic question.

I appreciate any help I get.

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Okay, sweet. I solved my own problem.

Anyone else the solution is to find the correct pathfile. I was trying to use pathfile from the store but It wasn’t working, regardless.
I installed it with nix-env -i bash
then went to /etc and cat shells found run/current-system/sw/bin/bash
So i replaced #!/bin/bash with #!/run/current-system/sw/bin/bash

You should use #!/usr/bin/env bash as shebang.

This version of the shebang is the most compatible one.


Thank you :slight_smile: Just curious how did you find that? what is env. the space in it. interesting

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what is env. the space in it.

env is an command from the GNU coreutils bundle of commands (on NixOS), mostly commands you’d find in old UNIX and UNIX-like OSs. So it’s pretty old :slight_smile:

man env will tell you what it is, what it does and how to use it, although I must concede, these manual pages are often not really beginner friendly. I found that Wikipedia has a page dedicated to it! (env - Wikipedia).

Here /usr/bin/env bash is used to find an interpreter for bash scripts at runtime.

You can also use env to run other things than bash, like:

#!/usr/bin/env python3
print("Hello, World!")

Awesome, i appreciate you.

How would you pass in options using /usr/bin/env?

Some implementations of env, including the one that comes with NixOS by default, support a -S option, allowing you to do /usr/bin/env -S prog arg and run prog with arguments. It’s not specified in POSIX, though, so you can’t use it in scripts that you intend to be portable.

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