How to change 1 click to 2 click to open folder in Plasma 5

Hi guys!

So just to put you in context, I am trying to change the behavior of clicking in plasma5. By default, when you click on an item on your desktop or in dolphin, it takes one click to open that item, whether it is a folder, a file or anything else.

I usually am able to change that simple configuration easily. I usually go in the settings then in mouse, afterwards I can find my way to the setting I want and make the change. At the moment, on my laptop, I am unable.

Or I would go in dolphin and change the configuration. In this case, I can’t find it.

So I searched on the internet and found that I could change the configuration SingleClick=true to False… but a simple search couldn’ find the value.

If you need anymore information or screenshots, don’t be shy to ask!

By the way! I can’t work without this distro now!
Good job guys! I am also super proud to be one of the maintainers of some of the packet that we host!
Thank you guys for this great distribution!

I think this now lives in Desktop Behavior > Workspace > Click behavior.

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