How to get nix store path of nix develop shell?

I am working with flakes to enable reproducible builds and development envs amongst my team of developers at work. I have managed to set up an internal binary cache, and I want to have a script that runs nix-copy-closure on the “devShell” store path so that once it’s built it’s available to other team members. Is there a nix command that provides the store path of the current dev shell? Or is it available from nix flake info?

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Each devShell has a inputDerivation, as in devShells.whatever.inputDerivation, that you can use to get a store path that can be used as a copy argument, build target, gcroot, etc.


So I could develop an app on the flake with that command where I could run nix run .#publishDevEnv is that the pattern?

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That piece is very subjective, but what you describe sounded like it could work.

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