How to install devkitPro?

I’m using NixOS as my primary OS, but am still very new to it.
I’d like to develop on Nintendo DS with devkitproARM (which include libnds) and I don’t know how to install it on NixOS.
They use pacman as the official way to distribute it and I assume it’s not compatible with NixOS ?
I’ve seen some flake file that seems to allow devkitpro installation : GitHub - knarkzel/devkitnix: Collection of devkitpro toolchains compatible with Nix
But honestly, I don’t know what to do with it and also if it’s up to date.
Has anyone manage to use devkitPro on NixOS ?


I know nothing of devkitpro, but that repo shows that you can get the tooling by running: nix build github:knarkzel/devkitnix#devkitARM

The repo hasn’t been updated in 2 years so it won’t be up to date.
It uses the docker images as source, so you can look up the latest one here and then update the details here: devkitnix/flake.nix at ed1a8e082153d1141ab57ce6f94d87cb0b24af51 · knarkzel/devkitnix · GitHub

I recommend asking any other questions about this on Issues · knarkzel/devkitnix · GitHub , the maintainer will be surely more knowledgeable :slightly_smiling_face:

Sorry for the late answer, I didn’t spend much time on it and use directly the docker image made for blocksds (another sdk based on a libnds fork).
It’s not ideal but it ok for my needs for now.

A while ago, I did get devkitarm to compile using Nix: GitHub - marius851000/nixbrew

Ultimatly, I didn’t ended having much use of it. The only homebrew development I do nowaday use the generic arm gcc toolchain, already present in NixPkgs.

That repo is usefull in showing that you can easily re-use the Nix stdenv to compile 3DS homebrew and their library (bzip2 even come from nixpkgs with some overrideAttrs)

It’s 4 years old, so you have stuff from 4 years ago, but it might be possible to add that to NixPkgs. I also think I have a few uncommited changes. Will take a look at that, thought I’m not particularly interested in working on that for now.