How to install gnome wayland-only?

Hi! How to install Gnome on Nixos wayland-only similar to KDE:

  services = {
    desktopManager = {
      plasma6 = {
        enable = true;
    displayManager = {
      defaultSession = "plasma";
      sddm = {
        enable = true;
        wayland = {
          enable = true;

I know how to install it using services.xserver.desktopManager, but I would like to go fully wayland-only.

I’d appreciate your help :wink:,

  services.xserver = {
    #enable = true;
    displayManager.gdm.enable = true;
    services.xserver.displayManager.gdm.wayland = true;
    displayManager.gdm.wayland = true;
    desktopManager.gnome.enable = true; 

The only way to define any desptopManager is with the services.xserver option. However this is the config for full wayland. With this you can use wayland for gnome.

This isn’t literally true, as the initial example demonstrates—both plasma6 and lomiri exist in the services.desktopManager namespace—but it is true that despite its legacy position in services.xserver.desktopManager, enabling GNOME using the above configuration does not mean your GNOME session will use X.

I expect that if there’s need for a gnome4 module someday, it will probably also go directly in services.desktopManager.

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Okay, so for now I’ll use services.xserver and set it to Wayland. Thanks!

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