How to prevent nix using builder user accounts

I want to prevent nix using builder user accounts when running nixos-rebuild because I have outgoing firewall rules implemented with opensnitch and having many user accounts and user ids needing network access to run nixos-rebuild makes the rules much more complex!

I have looked up the docs and have found build-users-group

It states

If the build users group is empty, builds will be performed under the uid of the Nix process (that is, the uid of the caller if NIX_REMOTE is empty, the uid under which the Nix daemon runs if NIX_REMOTE is daemon).

I would like to know how to set the build-users-group config option to empty so that builds will only be performed by the user who ran it.

I have tried = " '' ";

But that results in the warning:

warning: the group ‘’‘’ specified in ‘build-users-group’ does not exist

and then the error that prevents all new builds:

error: the group ‘’‘’ specified in ‘build-users-group’ does not exist

the next time nixos-rebuild is run

Never mind I think I have figured it out now, the solution is to set = [];

I am learning all the time! :slight_smile:

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