How to push my Haskell Stack build to Cachix

I made some backend using Stack.

My Stack project succeeds when I do stack build --nix and it seems to create a nix package in local project cache directory in which executable is built. ( .stack-work/install/x86_64-osx-<some sha1> )

How can I cache it on Cachix? Cachix docs says do nix-build | cachix push but I can’t because I’m using stack build instead.

FYI my ultimate goal is to run it on AWS and deliver the package via Cachix.

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As it looks like you’ve figured out, doing stack build --nix builds your Haskell dependencies with stack and not Nix. You’re not able to push your Haskell dependencies to Cachix if you’ve built them with Stack.

I summed up some of the ways to build a Haskell project with Nix in this post:

The things that would be compatible with pushing to cachix are shellFor from Nixpkgs, and using haskell.nix.

If you wanted to be able to use both stack build --nix and nix-build (while using stack.yaml as a single-source-of-truth), then currently haskell.nix is your only option. Although shellFor from Nixpkgs is somewhat simpler, and may be easier if you are just starting out with Nix.