How to setup additional /bin symlinks postInstall?

I’ve got the following overlay to install macOS Docker desktop app.

The postInstall phase fails with this message:

ln: failed to create symbolic link '/homeless-shelter/.nix-profile/bin/docker': No such file or directory

Without defining postInstall, is happily installed, and symlinked into ~/.nix-profile/Applications/.

To add the executables to the PATH I was thinking that I’d try to symlink them into ~/.nix-profiles/bin/[docker | docker-compose].

Are there builtin functions I should be using? Or what is the right way to do this?

self: super: {

installApplication = 
  { name, appname ? name, version, src, description, homepage, 
    postInstall ? "", sourceRoot ? ".", ... }:
  with super; stdenv.mkDerivation {
    name = "${name}-${version}";
    version = "${version}";
    src = src;
    buildInputs = [ undmg unzip ];
    sourceRoot = sourceRoot;
    phases = [ "unpackPhase" "installPhase" "postInstall" ];
    installPhase = ''
      mkdir -p "$out/Applications/${appname}.app"
      cp -pR * "$out/Applications/${appname}.app"
    postInstall = postInstall;
    meta = with stdenv.lib; {
      description = description;
      homepage = homepage;
      maintainers = with maintainers; [ jwiegley ];
      platforms = platforms.darwin;

Docker = self.installApplication rec {
  name = "Docker";
  version = "";
  revision = "43472";
  sourceRoot = "";
  src = super.fetchurl {
    url = "${revision}/Docker.dmg";
    sha256 = "defb095871ef260ccdb77d9960ed8510bdb288124025404f6543b94ec683e160";
  description = ''
    Docker CE for Mac is an easy-to-install desktop app for building,
    debugging, and testing Dockerized apps on a Mac
  homepage =;
  appcast =;

  postInstall = ''
    ln -fs $out/Applications/${name}.app/Contents/Resources/bin/docker ~/.nix-profile/bin/docker
    ln -fs $out/Applications/${name}.app/Contents/Resources/bin/docker-compose/docker-compose ~/.nix-profile/bin/docker-compose


Symlink, copy or hardlink them to $out/bin/{docker,docker-compose}.

Then nix will do the linking from your profiles bin.

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That was the ticket. Thanks @NobbZ!

postInstall = ''
    mkdir -p $out/bin
    ln -fs "$out/Applications/${name}.app/Contents/Resources/bin/docker" $out/bin/docker
    ln -fs "$out/Applications/${name}.app/Contents/Resources/bin/docker-compose/docker-compose" $out/bin/docker-compose
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