How to use i3 with Plasma5

Hello, I’m trying to setup my I3 with Plasma5 but so far I’ve had no success. If anyone has a config that I could take a look at, it would help me a lot. I’ve checked the other posts about this but it didn’t help me.

I somehow can invoke i3 with this configuration, but the keybinds and window management aren’t working.

xserver = {
      enable = true;
      layout = "ch";
      displayManager = {
        sddm.enable = true;
        defaultSession = "plasma5+i3";
        session = [
            manage = "desktop";
            name = "plasma5+i3";
            start = ''exec env KDEWM=${pkgs.i3-gaps}/bin/i3 ${pkgs.plasma-workspace}/bin/startplasma-x11'';
      desktopManager = {
        plasma5 = {
          enable = true;
      windowManager = {
        i3 = {
          enable = true;

Thanks in advance.