How to use Ly display manager

Ly, a lightweight tui display manager is available in 21.05 stable but I’m not sure how to use it. There is no config like lightdm or greetd that it seems to provide, nor do I find any documentation after searching. Any help is appreciated.


@matthewcroughan can probably help with that :slight_smile:

I have a module for it here that is half-complete.

Put simply, ly doesn’t really work.

You won’t find that it sources .profile or .xprofile correctly. It also doesn’t launch sessions/seats properly. It requires a complete rewrite. It is not software that functions correctly.

See the numerous issues here Issues · fairyglade/ly · GitHub

I was hoping to get ly working since tuigreet (greetd) also has issues with xsessions. But, I wasn’t aware about the same issues with ly. Thanks for the info.

Something new on Ly?:wink: Does it work, at all?:wink:

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Also interested, just heard about it today and am very intrigued!

I’m also waiting on more information about this… Been watching for months!

Setting up Ly in NixOS is on my TODO list, but after more important things like fixing my cars and getting my resume out for job interviews and cooking food… Agh but I would work on NixOS all day every day if I could!

I’ll post back here when I find the time to fully investigate. Ly is the slickest looking TUI login out-of-the-box and that’s all I care about for a login manager!


Looks like there’s a module in the works! Seems to be pretty much done?


The PR for the ly module just got merged!

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Has anyone figured out how to use the merged module? I tried adding = true; to my config but on rebuild it says the option does not exist.

I am using unstable flake and have run nix flake update.

The option is also not appearing in’s module search

Seems its because it was merged into master instead of unstable?

You need to wait a couple days until it lands in unstable.

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You can track the status of the PR here: Nixpkgs-tracker


Great link, had no clue that existed!