I learned something this week after many hours of frustration and winding paths of my nix incompetence.
So why not share the lesson here!
I maintain a Rust project that uses AWS Rust SDK. Recently, a dependency of a dependency of theirs has a build.rs
which makes a network call. (Make bindgen optional · Issue #5 · awesomized/crc64fast-nvme · GitHub)
This fails using nix because nix sandboxes builds.
I wanted to use landonxjames’ helpful fork without forking all the way down.
I learned cargo has its own patching mechanism. Combine that with buildRustPackage
for victory!
my steps
- added this snippet to my workspace’s
crc64fast-nvme = { git = 'https://github.com/landonxjames/crc64fast-nvme.git', branch = 'c-bind-flag' }
- run
cargo fetch
to ensure theCargo.lock
is updated- you need to commit the
changes in your version control
- you need to commit the
- in your
invocation, pass something like:
cargoLock.lockFile = ./Cargo.lock;
cargoLock.outputHashes = {
"crc64fast-nvme-1.1.1" = "sha256-CvfkaDSG9XLnw2KAmKx7DYK3ubsCfLhPdOQGSIDJaxc=";
vendoring badge achieved.
This post’s jargon frightens me. One day, I hope it will save a few minutes or so on your nix travels.