I'm failing to use an overlay with requireFile

While waiting for the ndi update to be merged I was trying to override it using an overlay.

It doesn’t seem to be working.

I’m using nixus.

self: super:
  my_ndi = super.ndi.overrideAttrs (old: {
    fullVersion = "4.5.3";
    src = self.requireFile {
      name    = "InstallNDISDK_v4_Linux.tar.gz";
      sha256  = "0w9f4a4a3xzg0nvmvrlda1wwkyi0m5aqvk07immmwgg7f1z1sqj5";
      message = "something";

Note that the error message still says “4.5.1” and not “4.5.3”.

these derivations will be built:
building '/nix/store/qvhplhwzj79q3d1p2fn422i7fvwffzvb-InstallNDISDK_v4_Linux.tar.gz.drv'...

In order to use NDI SDK version 4.5.1, you need to comply with
NewTek's license and download the appropriate Linux tarball from:


Once you have downloaded the file, please use the following command and
re-run the installation:

  $ nix-prefetch-url file://$PWD/InstallNDISDK_v4_Linux.tar.gz


Interesting… I just read a discussion about how rec and overrideAttrs sometimes act weird: Avoid rec expresions in nixpkgs?

How about using src = super.fetchurl { url = "file:///...." }; Or perhaps you can even use the builtin: filterSource: Introduction - Nix Reference Manual


    src = super.fetchurl {
      url = "file:///home/bbigras/Downloads/InstallNDISDK_v4_Linux.tar.gz";
      sha256  = "0w9f4a4a3xzg0nvmvrlda1wwkyi0m5aqvk07immmwgg7f1z1sqj5";

or src = ./InstallNDISDK_v4_Linux.tar.gz;

I have the same problem.

I’m guessing the overlay is used since nix-build complained when sha256 was missing with fetchurl.

Maybe I’m doing something wrong.