Improvement proposal : Wordlists packages for a better security pentest user experience

Hello all,

I would like to discuss about an improvement I would like to make for all wordlists related packages (security related) but I’m not sure if that is a good idea or if there is another good idea, see :

If I’m using for instance wpscan/gobuster/feroxbuster/nmap/hydra (a tool that needs as an input a wordlist to bruteforce) my experience is not great during pentesting because I need to find in /nix/store/ the proper package folder containing seclists pkg and look into $out/share/wordlists

Usually under others distros wordlists installed using a package manager are stored in /usr/share/wordlists but this is not always the case (others paths proposed are /usr/share/dict or /usr/share/<whatever_name_that_feats>

I would like community feedback on this possible improvement and also know if it seems wise to other users or is there a better way to use the current package without changing anything that I’m not aware of ?

I don’t think this is necessary.

Because, when using the wordlists package, you get two extra scripts that are wordlists and wordlists_path, which respectively display the lists from disk, and give the filesystem location where the lists can be found.


This is true only using the wordlist pkgs, how does it relate to other wordlists packages such as seclists or rockyou ?

These lists aren’t meant to be consumed as is by end users. They are bundled into wordlists package like so:

environment.systemPackages = [
  (pkgs.wordlists.override { lists = with pkgs; [ rockyou seclists ] })


nix-shell -p 'wordlists.override { lists = with (import <nixpkgs> {}); [ rockyou seclists ]; }'


Sorry I wasn’t aware, has this been documented somewhere on a manual ?

Sadly, no, because the author of the package didn’t want to do it:

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Thanks, will see if I can improve this then !

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Hey, I did as I said in the comment and wrote it into the package description D:

The wordlists package provides two scripts. One is called wordlists, and it will list a tree of all the wordlists installed. The other one is called wordlists_path which will print the path to the nix store location of the lists. You can for example do $(wordlists_path)/rockyou.txt to get the location of the rockyou wordlist. If you want to modify the available wordlists you can override the lists attribute`. In your nixos configuration this would look similiar to this:

environment.systemPackages = [
  (pkgs.wordlists.override { lists = with pkgs; [ rockyou ] })

you can use this with nix-shell by doing: nix-shell -p 'wordlists.override { lists = with (import <nixpkgs> {}); [ nmap ]; }' If you want to add a new package that provides wordlist/s the convention is to copy it to {file}$out/share/wordlists/myNewWordlist`.

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