Install virtualbox in NixOS?

Just to be clear: I’m not trying to use virtualbox to install NixOS. I’m using NixOS (it’s the only OS on my laptop), and I would like to use virtualbox so that I can play with other distros.

I found VirtualBox - NixOS Wiki, and I’ve added this:

  # Enable virtualbox. Ref <> = true;
  users.extraGroups.vboxusers.members = [ "stian" ];

to my configuration.nix, and I’ve done sudo nixos-rebuild switch. I’ve also rebooted for good measure. My problem? It may be embarrassing: How do I start virtualbox? I can’t seem to figure out what the executable is called. I’m using i3 and I open programs using dmenu.

I must be running out of juice. Glad it’s almost the weekend :slight_smile:

Right after posting the above I found -- Install VirtualBox on NixOS, which helped me solve the problem: dmenu cares about casing, I don’t. Writing “VirtualBox” in dmenu works, writing “virtualbox” does not. At least with my settings.


Actually, you can also find the command which pakcage will provide in

By the ways, could you run other distro or system currently?
I seems have some kinds of error like Kernel driver not accessible.