Installation issue - graphical installer starts but doesn’t load? (solved)

Hi all,

I decided to dip my toes into NixOS because I’m an obsessive tinkerer, but I’m stumbling a bit at the first hurdle - getting it to install :wink:

I’m booting the plasma live cd on a laptop with hybrid intel/nvidia graphics - I’ve booted the live cd using the nomodeset option and get as far as being prompted to start the GUI, and that’s where I’m currently stumped.

Running ‘sudo systemctl start display-manager’ correctly starts the display manager (output of systemctl status shows it to be active and running), however the session remains locked into the command line and I can’t seem to get any further.

Before I roll up my sleeves and resign myself to a manual install, does anyone have any ideas what could be happening?

Edit: held my nose and booted from the gnome live cd instead and hey presto, I can live with gnome for 10 minutes I guess :laughing:

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Can you be more specific about the hardware you’re using? I’ve been trying to investigate ISO issues lately but it’s very difficult because I don’t have any of the hardware that people report failing behavior on.