Installation with encrypted partition is not booting

Hey Guys,

I’m new to nixOS an try to install it on my virtual machine.
To do this I downloaded a live-image an boot from it.
I followed the instructions on NixOS Manual.
My partitions are as followed:
vda1 - ESP - fat32 - 1 GiB - Flags: boot, esp → /boot
vda2 - cryptedlvm (LUKS encrypted LVM)

  • root - 10 GiB - btrfs → /
  • home - 10 GiB - btrfs → /home
  • swap - 1GiB - swap → swap

For this setup I used the following commands on the terminal:

    sudo parted /dev/vda
    (parted) mktable gpt
    (parted) mkpart ESP fat32 1MiB 1001MiB
    (parted) set 1 esp on
    (parted) mkpart primary 1001MiB 100%

    sudo cryptsetup luksFormat /dev/vda2
    sudo cryptsetup open /dev/vda2 cryptlvm

    sudo pvcreate /dev/mapper/cryptlvm
    sudo vgcreate nix-vg /dev/mapper/cryptlvm
    sudo lvcreate -L 10G -n root nix-vg
    sudo lvcreate -L 100G -n home nix-vg
    sudo lvcreate -l 100%FREE -n swap nix-vg

    sudo mkswap /dev/nix-vg/swap
    sudo mkfs.btrfs /dev/nix-vg/root
    sudo mkfs.btrfs /dev/nix-vg/home

    sudo mount /dev/nix-vg/root /mnt
    sudo mkdir /mnt/home
    sudo mount /dev/nix-vg/home /mnt/home
    sudo swapon /dev/nix-vg/swap

    sudo mkfs.vfat -F 32 /dev/vda1
    sudo mkdir /mnt/boot
    sudo mount /dev/vda1 /mnt/boot

After this steps I started the graphical installer an Install it on my machnie.
The installation was successfully, now I reboot.
At this time the error appears. The machine starts booting and then it should wait for the password input to decrypt the partition, but it don’t find any partition with the / - directory.

In the documentation below the partition section, there is a article for usage with LUKS.

  boot.initrd.luks.devices.crypted.device = "/dev/disk/by-uuid/3f6b0024-3a44-4fde-a43a-767b872abe5d";
  fileSystems."/".device = "/dev/mapper/crypted";

But where should I enter this now? Or where is this directory located after installing the operating system?
When I restart, I cannot access configuration.nix because / is not found or is encrypted.

Thanks for help

So, I want to point out firstly that this is not what you said you wanted. This is a 10GiB root, a 100GiB home, and the entire rest of the disk is used for swap.

Anyway. I don’t see anything wrong with how you partitioned it.

This should be auto-generated, so it’s nothing you need to add.

I think this is a bug in the installer. I don’t think you can use the graphical installer after doing manual partitioning in the terminal. I think you’ll have to just run nixos-generate-config --root /mnt and nixos-install in the terminal if you do your partitioning yourself like that. i.e. Follow the “manual installation” steps in the nixos manual in full, rather than trying to also use the graphical installer. We should probably open a bug on the graphical installer’s repo about this though.