Introducing NixOS Mediation: A New Conflict Resolution Service

Hey everyone,

I’m excited to introduce a new service to the NixOS community: NixOS Mediation.

Mediation is a valuable tool for resolving disputes and conflicts in a structured and constructive way. Unlike traditional judicial or moderation-based processes, mediation focuses on open communication and finding mutually agreeable solutions. It provides a neutral space where individuals can work through disagreements with the help of a trained mediator.

Before launching this service, I discussed it with the moderation and Steering Committee (SC) teams to ensure alignment with existing community processes. It is important to note that the mediation service has no formal power—it relies entirely on voluntary participation and goodwill to help facilitate resolution.

If you ever find yourself in a dispute where progress seems impossible, consider using this service. Simply making the request already demonstrates a willingness to resolve the issue, which is a significant first step.

How It Works

The mediation process is straightforward:

  1. Fill out the request form on the NixOS Mediation website.
  2. Ross, our trained professional mediator, will reach out to schedule an initial meeting.
  3. Ross will then contact the other party involved in the dispute.
  4. If both parties agree to participate, Ross will facilitate one or more mediation sessions to work towards a resolution.

Most conflicts can be resolved fairly quickly when all parties are open to dialogue and compromise.

A Complementary Service to Moderation and Steering Committee (SC)

This mediation service is designed to complement the existing moderation and SC processes. It is available to any individuals within the community who are interested in resolving conflicts or communication challenges in a structured and voluntary manner.

Why Mediation?

Conflicts are a natural part of life and community interactions. When managed well, they can be opportunities for growth, understanding, and stronger collaboration. My goal with this service is to improve the quality of interactions within the NixOS community by fostering a culture of constructive conflict resolution.

If you’re facing a dispute and feel stuck, don’t hesitate to reach out. Mediation can help bridge gaps and create solutions that work for everyone involved.

Let’s work together to make our community even stronger!

Learn more and get started here.


I spent quite a bit of time to try and address all the questions on the website, but let me know if I haven’t addressed something there.

@Ross18881 also has an account here, in care you want to reach out to him on this platform.



At first reading the tag line I have to admit I thought it was April 1st joke but I see it’s real and you claim to be spending your own $$ on it.

Thank you.


I am curious to see if this is effective.

Yes, this is serious! :slight_smile:

A tendency we all have when trying to mediate a conflict, is to pick the person who we think is right, and then side with them. And that poisons the outcome of the mediation. It’s even harder for people coming from the Nix community, because we care about the project too much.

Even if one side is right or not, there is a second isssue; that the losing side can feel unheard. That hurts.

That’s where having access to a professional mediatior it helpful. That person is able to detach from the outcome, present the arguments to each side, with the emotions removed. That improves communication, makes both parties feel heard. And because Ross is not part of the project, both parties know he doesn’t have a vested interest in the outcome.

And the best; with the cloud of emotions lifted, it can lead to new outcomes nobody had considered before. That’s what I am most excited to see happen.

The biggest hurdle is that people that haven’t experienced that process can be skeptical of the utility of it. So I hope that a few of you would jump in, test it, and then report back how it went.


Wow what a great initiative


Hey @zimbatm, I’m a friendly interloper from the little-known Ubuntu community :wink:

This is such a wonderful initiative! As someone who has benefitted from such services (with other practitioners), I genuinely see the potential to facilitate faster, smoother, and friendlier conflict resolution. I do hope people take up this kind of offer, if needed! :pray: