Introducing the Nix fuck-up assessment form

In our continued effort to standardise the Nix experience, we have decided to tackle standardisation of the most common outcome of using Nix: The fuck-up.

From now on, whenever you fuck up using NixOS, you must fill the provided form and follow the printed instructions.

- Nixpkgs bureaucracy department


That’s so useful - I’ll use it daily!

I filled the form 3 hours ago and haven’t received a response from a professional yet.


Haha, I was guilty of several charges in the past. :laughing:

I put my swap on ZFS



What have you tried so far to remedy your fuck-up?
Installing Gentoo

i wish to never again feel the suffering of waiting 4 days for emerge -avuDN @world to finish on my Core2 Duo laptop only for the packages to already be outdated!

My German sense for bureaucracy also screams that something isn’t right as the form isn’t convoluted and doesn’t involve language only used for bureaucratic purposes.


Haha, love the Easter eggs in the source of the form!

I think you should leave the detached header one (maybe just leave a blank for the cause instead of hard coding a mom), because I’m reasonably sure that would serve majority of my use-cases (e.g. I have a detached header setup that systemd stage1 doesn’t support and I’ll be fucked when perl-based gets deprecated) xD

Why would you receive a response though? The form only talks about performing assesment, not providing the results!

What all does this cover? Does this include sharp edges in nixpkgs that stump a long-time user?

Oh no. I just saw the bottom of the README.

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nix build github:Atemu/nix-fuck-up-assessment-form to find out!

I think you are missing the fuck-up of setting up impermanence WITHOUT configuring it to NOT remove your boot directory :smiley:

I am missing the line: “Forgot to read the release notes and now I am struggling to update my Postgress DB”. :sweat_smile:


this insight useful for me

missing this fuck-up reason:

  • my disk was full and I tried to delete stuff from the nix store manually with force