Is anyone doing mirrored using systemd-boot instead of grub?


I’m currently using grub, could I use systemd-boot instead?

  • mirror works: unplugged 1 disks and everything keeps working
  • Some systems are luks encrypted zfs, others are unencrypted
  • Remote unlocking luks

my disko

{ disks
, swapInGB
, luks
, zfs_ashift
, zfs_refreservationInGB
, lib
, ...
  single = (lib.length disks == 1);
  disko.devices = {
    disk = lib.genAttrs disks
          # NOTE: disk name should not be too long:
          # /dev/disk/by-id/ata-SanDisk_SD8SMAT-032G-1006_1234564084256
          n1 = lib.removePrefix "_" (builtins.replaceStrings [ "/" ] [ "_" ] (builtins.baseNameOf device));
          n2 = (lib.concatStrings [ "abcdefg" n1 ]); # Make it long enough if someone would use /dev/sda instead of by-id
          stringLength = builtins.stringLength n2;
          idLength = 6;
          idex1 = builtins.sub stringLength idLength;
          n3 = builtins.substring idex1 stringLength n2; # 4084256
          shortMain = (lib.concatStrings [ "main" n3 ]); # main4084256
          shortCrypt = (lib.concatStrings [ "crypted" n3 ]); # crypted4084256
          dindex = lib.lists.findFirstIndex (d: d == device) null disks;
          inherit device;
          type = "disk";
          name = shortMain;
          content = {
            type = "gpt";
            partitions = {
              boot = {
                size = "1M";
                type = "EF02"; # for grub MBR
              ESP = {
                size = "1G";
                type = "EF00";
                content = {
                  type = "filesystem";
                  format = "vfat";
                } // lib.optionalAttrs single {
                  mountpoint = "/boot";
                } // lib.optionalAttrs (!single) {
                  mountpoint = "/boot${toString dindex}";
                  # We want to still be able to boot without one of these
                  mountOptions = [ "nofail" ];
            } // lib.optionalAttrs (swapInGB > 0) {
              SWAP = {
                size = (lib.concatStrings [ (builtins.toString swapInGB) "G" ]);
                content = {
                  type = "swap";
                  randomEncryption = true;
                  resumeDevice = true; # Resume from hiberation from this device
            } // lib.optionalAttrs (!luks) {
              ZFS = {
                size = "100%";
                content = {
                  type = "zfs";
                  pool = "rpool";
            } // lib.optionalAttrs luks {
              luks = {
                size = "100%";
                content = {
                  type = "luks";
                  name = shortCrypt;
                  content = {
                    type = "zfs";
                    pool = "rpool";
    zpool.rpool = {
      type = "zpool";
      mode = lib.mkIf (!single) "mirror";
      options = {
        ashift = (builtins.toString zfs_ashift);
        # Auto trimming could maybe be bad for my SSDs.  Will instead have the OS do `zpool trim` on a schedule.
        # autotrim = "on";
        listsnapshots = "on";
      rootFsOptions = {
        # This is more or less required for certain things to not break, for systemd-journald posixacls are required
        acltype = "posixacl";
        canmount = "off";
        # zstd is slower but compresses more than lz4
        compression = "lz4";
        dnodesize = "auto";
        mountpoint = "none";
        normalization = "formD";
        atime = "on";
        relatime = "on";
        # To improve performance of certain extended attributes
        xattr = "sa";
        "com.sun:auto-snapshot" = "false";
      postCreateHook = ''
        zfs snapshot -r rpool@blank
        # zfs set keylocation="prompt" "rpool";
      datasets = {
        # Static reservation so the pool will never be 100% full.
        # If a pool fills up completely, delete this & reclaim space; don't
        # forget to re-create it afterwards!
        "reserved" = {
          type = "zfs_fs";
          options.canmount = "off";
          options.mountpoint = "none";
          options.refreservation = (lib.concatStrings [ (builtins.toString zfs_refreservationInGB) "G" ]);
          options.primarycache = "none";
          options.secondarycache = "none";
        ## Root system container
        "nixos" = {
          type = "zfs_fs";
          options.mountpoint = "none";
        ## Ephemeral datasets
        "nixos/local" = {
          type = "zfs_fs";
          options.mountpoint = "none";
        "nixos/local/root" = {
          type = "zfs_fs";
          mountpoint = "/";
          options.mountpoint = "legacy";
          # options.mountpoint = "/";
          # postCreateHook = "zfs snapshot rpool/nixos/local/root@blank";
        "nixos/local/nix" = {
          type = "zfs_fs";
          mountpoint = "/nix";
          options.mountpoint = "legacy";
          # options.mountpoint = "/nix";
          # Disable writing access time, disables if a file's access time is updated when the file is read. This can result in significant performance gains, but might confuse some software like mailers.
          options.atime = "off";
          options.relatime = "off";
        "nixos/local/cache" = {
          type = "zfs_fs";
          mountpoint = "/cache";
          options.mountpoint = "legacy";
          # options.mountpoint = "/cache";
        ## Persistent datasets
        "nixos/safe" = {
          type = "zfs_fs";
          options.mountpoint = "none";
        "nixos/safe/home" = {
          type = "zfs_fs";
          mountpoint = "/home";
          options.mountpoint = "legacy";
          # options.mountpoint = "/home";
          options."com.sun:auto-snapshot" = "true";
        "nixos/safe/persist" = {
          type = "zfs_fs";
          mountpoint = "/persist";
          options.mountpoint = "legacy";
          # options.mountpoint = "/persist";
          options."com.sun:auto-snapshot" = "true";