Is it possible for us to remove builtins.functionArgs?

The drawback of builtins.functionArgs is that when we write {lib, pkgs, ...}@args: { x = args.x}, if the function is called by callPackage or a similar mechanism that uses builtins.functionArgs, we actually cannot retrieve the x field as expected.

The difficulty in removing builtins.functionArgs lies in the fact that this built-in function is heavy used by callPackage.

A possible solution is to add ... at the end of the parameter list of the code for all packages, like {lib, pkgs, ...}: {}, to avoid relying on builtins.functionArgs. I’m not sure if this is feasible or what potential issues might arise, so I’m initiating this discussion.

Also relevant, this deferred RFC: [RFC 0058] Named Ellipses by deliciouslytyped · Pull Request #58 · NixOS/rfcs · GitHub

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I’d rather like to question the need for individual packages as function parameters; obviating callPackage entirely. Why couldn’t we just pass all pkgs?

The only thing it really affords us is to override the meaning of package names but the same could be achieved using pkgs // { foo = ...; } or overlays/extensions.

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