Is it possible to recover configuration.nix from an older generation?

Is there any way to print out what my configuration.nix was on a previous generation of the system? I just realized I deleted something I want to get back. I have a full system backup but I can’t browse the backup, only restore it, and I’d rather not do that. I’m guessing the configuration.nix itself isn’t actually saved anywhere though.


No, not in general, I’m afraid. The best practice seems to version-control your configuration.nix (and other custom files you include from it). EDIT: there’s a system.copySystemConfiguration option for the simple cases.


Thanks. Wish I knew about that config option before. I do have secondary files but they’re less important. Might be nice to have a second option to specify additional paths though.

Thanks. Wish I knew about that config option before. I do have secondary files but they’re less important. Might be nice to have a second option to specify additional paths though.

For full generality you could add to your systemPackages a runCommand package that copies whatever you care about to “$out/share/system-nix-configuration” or whatever you prefer…


It’s also not a post-hoc solution, but in addition to version-controlling my system config with git, my system runs on zfs and I have znapzend making periodic snapshots. That’s also saved my skin a couple of times when I’ve not been diligent enough about actually committing changes…

On a different-but-related topic, I’ve been meaning for a long time to wrap my nixos-rebuild so that it automatically makes a commit labelled with the system generation on a separate branch of my system config repo whenever updating the system profile. But we all know how those “one-day” projects are…

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I have something like that now it wasnt that big of a deal. so my /etc/nixos is part of my git dotfiles project and to run a nixos-rebuild I use this script.
and in my configuration.nix there is this

environment.etc."nixos/active".text = config.system.nixos.label;

that way i always know the git release of nixos as well as its config git version.


I like to copy my Nix expressions tree into the store, and then use that for my NIX_PATH. It lets me hack on my tree without breaking Nixpkgs for the rest of the system, and it means that I can always find the entire tree for a given system if I need it.


That’s pretty cool.

Because I rather use options/modules to toggle such things I’ve adapted it into a simple module.

Thanks a lot!

Personally I’d just keep my configuration Nix files in a git repo and put this somewhere in the config:

  environment.etc."dotfiles-rev".text =
    (builtins.fetchGit { url = ./.; ref = "HEAD"; }).rev;

builtins.fetchGit returns a set with a rev field, so you can use that to log the configuration’s revision in a file. It’s not perfect. I use ref = "HEAD" so that if I have uncommitted changes, the rev is the most recent revision instead of “000000…”, so a dirtywork tree always makes an inaccurate file since the rev doesn’t include uncommitted changes. Anyway you can do one further by actually putting the whole repo somewhere.

  environment.etc."dotfiles-src".source = builtins.fetchGit ./.;

Not specifying ref = "HEAD" makes it use a dirty worktree instead of the most recent commit, so you’ll get the exact source of the configuration this way.