I have been running NixOS 24.11 in a virtual machine with the GNOME desktop and I’ve been trying to customize GNOME a little, including its wallpapers. I have set my windows to use dark mode, and this has caused my wallpaper to change to nix-wallpaper-simple-dark-gray.png. I want to set it back to nix-wallpaper-simple-blue.png. Using find I have found folders in /nix/store for these files, but I was hoping there’d be a permanent location for it somewhere else in my system. I have checked /run/current-system/sw/share/backgrounds and /run/current-system/sw/share/wallpapers and neither contain these wallpapers.
Is there a permanent folder in my NixOS file system with symlinks for NixOS’ official wallpapers like nix-wallpaper-simple-blue.png?
If you’re writing nix config for it, pkgs.nixos-artwork.wallpapers.<name>.gnomeFilePath where <name> is one of the attributes listed in the file below:
But if you’re configuring via UI, it should be in /run/current-system/sw/share/backgrounds/nixos/.
Interesting. Should it be in /run/current-system/sw/share/backgrounds/nixos only after pkgs.nixos-artwork.wallpapers.<name>.gnomeFilePath has been set? If not, then I have some unfortunate news for you, that folder does not exist on my NixOS 24.11 system.