Issue with import

hey folks, need help with import. here is my modules/home-manager/default.nix

  # List your module files here
  zsh 		= import ./zsh.nix;
  git 		= import ./git.nix;
  nixvim 	= import ./nixvim.nix;
  firefox 	= import ./firefox/default.nix;
  alacritty 	= import ./alacritty.nix;
  gtk-theme 	= import ./gtk-theme.nix;

here if my tree

├── flake.lock
├── flake.nix
├── home-manager
│  └── home.nix
├── modules
│  ├── home-manager
│  │  ├── alacritty.nix
│  │  ├── default.nix
│  │  ├── firefox
│  │  │  ├── default.nix
│  │  │  ├── firefox-policies.nix
│  │  │  ├── firefox-userChrome.nix
│  │  │  └── firefox-userContent.nix
│  │  ├── git.nix
│  │  ├── gtk-theme.nix
│  │  ├── nixvim.nix
│  │  ├── scripts
│  │  │  └── git-identity
│  │  └── zsh.nix
│  └── nixos
│     ├── default.nix
│     └── user.nix
├── nixos
│  ├── configuration.nix
│  ├── hardware-configuration.nix
│  ├── nvidia.nix
│  └── packages.nix
├── overlays
│  └── default.nix
└── pkgs
   └── default.nix

when I try nixos-rebuild switch I got this error

error: getting status of '/nix/store/11nsd3lh6k7qfs150ihb4vfp573cr7g3-source/modules/home-manager/firefox': No such file or directory

Is the firefox dir staged/commited?


my bad, I forgot to do that.
thank you!
and now I would like to have help with this:

error: The option `programs.firefox.colors' does not exist. Definition values:
       - In `/nix/store/8yc39q70xcmdsmwv8d36gbirxqrk5rw1-source/home-manager/home.nix':
             bg = "#24283B";
             icon-color = "#CBCCD1";
             sidebar-bg = "#24283B";
             sidebar-color = "#CBCCD1";

and this this my firefox/default.nix

{ pkgs, config,  ... }:

 # FireFox program settings
  programs = {
    firefox = {
      enable 				= true;
      policies 				= import ./firefox-policies.nix;
      colors = with config.colorScheme.palette;{
	bg 				= "#${base00}";
	icon-color 			= "#${base06}";
	sidebar-bg 			= "#${base00}";
	sidebar-color 			= "#${base06}";
	tab-color 			= "#${base02}";
	tab-pinned-bg 			= "#${base03}";
	tab-selected-bg 		= "#${base05}";
	tab-soundplaying-bg 		= "#${base04}";
	urlbar-color 			= "#${base06}";
	urlbar-focused-color 		= "#${base05}";
	urlbar-results-color 		= "#${base09}";
	urlbar-results-url-color 	= "#${base06}";
      userChrome 			= import ./firefox-userChrome.nix;
      userContent 			= import ./firefox-userContent.nix;

Idea is to use nix-colors to theme firefox

I’d suggest looking for a home-manager config which does that.

Or perhaps the programs.firefox.profiles..userChrome option might do that.

But, there doesn’t appear to be a programs.firefox.colors option. (And module options have to be defined before they can be set).

I think I found the way to do what I want but when I run home-manager switch I got this error

   error: error parsing derivation '/nix/store/3bank08jl292ji8hisl78yc6kf2mim5d-home-manager-path.drv': error: expected string 'D', got ''