Issues with bash,cursors, and thunar

sorry for this being really long I just dont’ want these issues anymore
so my nixos configuration is almost finished but I have a few issues with a few small things
so to start with bash I want to export doom to my PATH as shown here

so I did this and aliased emacs as emacsclient

programs.bash = {
	enable = true;
  bashrcExtra = "
    alias emacs = emacsclient -c -a 'emacs'
    export PATH = '/home/hammoud/.config/emacs/bin:$PATH'

but in my terminal I keep getting these errors:

bash: alias: emacs: not found
bash: alias: =: not found
bash: alias: emacsclient: not found
bash: alias: -c: not found
bash: alias: -a: not found
bash: alias: emacs: not found
bash: export: =': not a valid identifier bash: export: /home/hammoud/.config/emacs/bin:$PATH’: not a valid identifier

for my cursors I installed these cursors GitHub - simtrami/posy-improved-cursor-linux: Posy's improved cursors by Michiel de Boer, available as cursor themes.

like this:

  home.pointerCursor = {
        gtk.enable = true;
        x11.enable = true;
        name = "PosysCursor";
        package = pkgs.stdenvNoCC.mkDerivation {
          name = "posy-improved-cursor";

          src = pkgs.fetchFromGitHub {
            owner = "simtrami";
            repo = "posy-improved-cursor-linux";
            rev = "bd2bac08bf01e25846a6643dd30e2acffa9517d4";
            hash = "sha256-ndxz0KEU18ZKbPK2vTtEWUkOB/KqA362ipJMjVEgzYQ=";

          dontBuild = true;

          installPhase = ''
            mkdir -p $out/share/icons
            mv Posy_Cursor "$out/share/icons/PosysCursor"
        size = 16;


which almost works fine but if I moved my cursor away from the window it becomes the default cursor and I need a bit more help with fixing it

and for thunar I need two things. I am moving from budgie to awesome but whenever I delete budgie I can’t access my other drive and I am trying to use the archive plugin but i don’t know to use it as an option

You should change your bash config to:

programs.bash = {
  enable = true;
  bashrcExtra = ''
    alias emacs="emacsclient -c -a 'emacs'"
    export PATH=/home/hammoud/.config/emacs/bin:$PATH

Using two single quotes instead of double quotes is vital here, as using double quotes mean you just have one long string. That should at least fix your bash errors.

As for your cursors, I suspect the share directory is not properly shared to your .local dir, but I’m not entirely sure.

To use the archive plugin in thunar, you need to make sure that you have the zip,unzip,tar,gunzip,gzip etc packages installed, I think it should just work out of the box apart from that.

so for the cursors how would you suggest I diagnose the problem? because here are the commands I’ve done

cat .local/share/icons/default/index.theme

[Icon Theme]
Comment=Default Cursor Theme

ls ~/.local/share/icons

default hicolor PosysCursor

cat ~/.icons/default/index.theme
[Icon Theme]
Comment=Default Cursor Theme

and for the thunar archive I want to have like a button that says “extract here” that extracts in the directory because I’m used to that is that what I have to do to do that?

Not exactly sure how cursors work, but I also have a directory with my cursor theme in my ~/.icons folder, which is an exact copy of the one in ~.local/share/icons/, is that present for you?

For Thunar, you should probably also add

programs.thunar.plugins = with pkgs.xfce; [

to your nix config