Issues with gomod2nix

Hey all, I am having some issues with getting these 2 pieces of software packaged with gomod2nix (GitHub - terra-money/core: GO implementation of the Terra Protocol and GitHub - regen-network/regen-ledger: 馃尡 Blockchain for planetary regeneration). When gomod2nix works its amazing! But I find it kind of hard to debug when it goes wrong. I don鈥檛 personally write any go, so the errors might be an obvious oversight on my part.

Here are the two errors I get:
vendor/ undefined: GoAPI
vendor/ undefined: GasMeter
vendor/ undefined: Gas


app/app.go:10:2: cannot find package "." in:
app/app.go:95:2: cannot find package "." in:
app/app.go:96:2: cannot find package "." in:
app/app.go:11:2: cannot find package "." in:

I wrote up actual issues and created reproduction repos for these:

Any advice, posts / materials on these kinds of issues, or obvious fixes would be greatly appreciated!