KDE Plasma 6.0.5: screen locker broken

On KDE Plasma 6.0.5, I have an inconsistent problem that occasionally happens.

When my screen goes to sleep, it’ll sometimes show a black and white image, stating that Screen Locker is broken, stating that I should go to TTY1, input loginctl unlock-session 2 to get out of it, which works, and gets me back to my desktop.

My issue is that this issue doesn’t always happen, and I also don’t know the solution.

Does it have something to do with my Nixos config file? Is there a way I can find out if it’s my config file or not?

Did you search did interwebs for this issue?

I did, and I still haven’t found a solution.

Using nixpkgs-unstable?

Did you find anyone else reporting experiencing a similar issue?

I haven’t tried unstable yet. I tend to stick to stable, mainly because I manage other devices, and rather than dealing with pkgs that “could break,” I keep it out of mind while using Stable releases.

Are you using an Nvidia graphics card? I’ve had issues with sleep + Nvidia graphics cards in the past (meaning it might not be a nix issue).